Course Booking Form


Availability calendar

Booking forms

Haringey schools

Please see the booking process below . If you have missed the deadline for priority booking fill out the group confirmation form and email it to Pendarren House after checking the availability calendar and speaking to Pendarren House


Out of Borough Groups

Please use the following booking form after checking the availability calendar. Contact Pendarren House if you have any questions.


Firs self catering booking

Please check availability and prices by using the following link


Bookings for the school year 2025 - 2026 are now being organised.
A personalised email with this information has been sent to the contact in each Haringey school. 

If you miss the deadline or are an out of borough school or organisation please contact Pendarren House directly on or 01873 810694

A residential course at Pendarren is one of the high points of school life.  The courses are run in a friendly and caring atmosphere, and the blend of stimulating outdoor activities, field studies and evening activities make for a memorable and truly educational experience.

The Centre is licensed by the Adventure Activities Licensing Service (AALS) to provide specified adventure activities. Licence number L96683/R0269. Details can be confirmed by contacting AALS.   

Unless otherwise agreed the fee includes full board, instruction, use of technical equipment and protective clothing and travel to and from activity venues.

Size of groups and staffing

  • All students work in groups of up to 12
  • Each activity group requires one visiting member of staff; minimum of 2 staff per school.

Accommodation options

For 2025/2026 Pendarren House can accommodate up to 88 students at any one time in three accommodation blocks.

  • The Main House can sleep up to 46 students and 6 staff   
  • The Annexe can sleep up to 30 students and 4 staff
  • The Firs Bungalow can sleep up to 12 students and 4 staff.  It provides accessible accommodation for people with disabilities.  If you feel that one or more of your pupils need this accommodation, please let the Centre know when you book so that it can be reserved for you.

Pendarren reserves the right to allocate your building.

Course options

Primary and Secondary

You will be invited to choose activities and visits for your programme from a range of on and off site half and full day options.  Courses involve challenge, adventure and enjoyment but most importantly have personal and group development opportunities.  Evening activities can be discussed on arrival.  Sometimes due to staffing, logistical or environmental challenges, the programme may require changing at short notice.

See our courses for full details of activity options.

The booking process

Return your booking form by 16 June 2025. As this is a relatively short period of time, please reply quickly.

Step 1


School completes an application form with their preferred dates

For each course requested, give us:

  • your preferred date
  • two alternative dates (Date 1 and Date 2)
  • a different range of alternative dates (Alternative Date Range 1 and 2)

Please give as full a range of dates as possible to ensure you get a week you want.

Courses are typically Monday - Friday and are available year round. Alternative length courses, for example shorter courses, weekends and holiday periods, are also available.

The form is to be returned to Pendarren by email as soon as possible and by 16 June 2025 at the latest

If your form is not received in time you may lose your place on the priority list

Step 2

Pendarren will send a provisional offer of course dates. You should hear from Pendarren by 5 July 2024.

Step 3

School reserves booking by paying a fixed holding fee within 2 weeks of receipt of invoice (see terms and conditions below).

Step 4

Pendarren will ask you to confirm that you wish to take up the reserved booking by paying a deposit based on the number of pupils attending. You should hear from Pendarren by 1 December 2024.

There may be some availability after the booking process is complete. See the website for availability.

Please be realistic with booking applications.

There will be charges if you bring fewer numbers than booked or if you cancel.

Fees for 2025-2026

The fee per pupil is to be confirmed.

Terms and conditions for booking 2025-2026                                                        

Booking process

Following your application for a booking at Pendarren, dates will be offered to you by email. To reserve your booking you will need to email  You will then be sent an invoice for a fixed holding fee of £500.00 which you will need to pay within two weeks of receipt. Your booking is not reserved and will be available to other schools until you have paid this deposit.

In late 2024 you will be contacted by email and asked to confirm your reserved booking. If you wish to go ahead with the booking you will be sent an invoice for a deposit of £50.00 per pupil which you will need to pay within two weeks of receipt. Your holding fee will be deducted from this invoice. If you do not wish to go ahead with the booking your holding fee will be refunded in full.

An invoice for the final balance due will be issued after your visit. This will be based on the number of pupils booked x full fee and any additional agreed fees. Any reductions due to pupils attending who are eligible for the concessionary fee will then be made by deductions from this final amount.

Final invoices must be settled within 14 days of the visit completion date. Schools failing to make prompt payment may have their future bookings de-prioritised.

Please note, all prices quoted are ex-VAT.


If you cancel your booking(s), the following cancellation charges apply:

  • More than 3 months before course: deposit per pupil
  • 3-2 months before course: 50% of charge
  • Within 2 months of the start date: 100% of charge

We reserve the right to cancel or amend the visit if, for whatever reason, we are unable to deliver the agreed programme. In the event of Pendarren House cancelling the visit then no fee will be due.  You are advised to check your school travel insurance policy.


Pendarren House and Haringey Council will be responsible for only their own liability, including neglect attributable to its employees in the course of their duty.  Personal accident and cancellation insurance are not provided but this may be included in your school travel insurance policy.  You are strongly advised to check the terms and conditions of your travel insurance policy before booking.

Changing numbers

Pupils may be added to the final number but contact Pendarren House first to check that we can accommodate these students. You will be invoiced for a non-refundable deposit for any additional students agreed.  The final balance for these additional students will be added to the final invoice issued after your visit.

If you wish to reduce the numbers booked then cancellation charges apply:

  • More than 3 months before course: deposit per pupil for those not attending
  • 3-2 months before course: 50% of full charge per pupil for those not attending
  • Within 2 months of the start date: 100% of full charge per pupil for those not attending

Staff places

There is no charge for essential staff which includes two members of staff, or one for each activity group in the ratio

1:12 for all groups. Additional staff will be charged at the same rate as for pupils. For Haringey schools an additional member of staff for one statemented pupil may be permitted at the discretion of Pendarren House.  Supporting staff will be monitored and expected to fully support pupils with additional needs under their care. Please contact Pendarren House if you require additional members of staff.   


Pendarren House reserves the right to allocate your accommodation block.

Behaviour and damage

You are responsible for maintaining acceptable levels of behaviour by members of your group. If your group or any members of it are asked for leave due to unacceptable behaviour, no refund will be due. You will be asked to pay for any damage caused by malicious or unreasonably careless behaviour.

Special requirements

We will make all reasonable efforts to meet the specific requirement of individuals due to disability, diets etc. You should discuss such details with us at the time of booking or as early as possible so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Transport to and from the Centre

For a Monday to Friday residential, your course will commence at 12.30 pm on Monday and finish at 12.30 pm on Friday unless specified otherwise. Your transport should be organised for these start and finish times. If you require different start and finish times, contact Pendarren House.


I have realised that although some people are in a different class they can still have a lot of things in common with me. Also, it will help me to try new challenges in the future and I think next year might be a bit challenging but if I have a go I can get through it
- Hana-sky